Home > App-V > App-V 4.5: Difference between what happens when you change the LogLevel on the Streaming Server vs. the Management Server

App-V 4.5: Difference between what happens when you change the LogLevel on the Streaming Server vs. the Management Server

Here’s an interesting item I stumbled upon recently. While I was editing this document (http://social.technet.microsoft.com/wiki/contents/articles/5889.aspx) to include the very import *location* of these values, I was reminded of an interesting item that you will probably only notice if you are troubleshooting the App-V Streaming Server.

The level of log verbosity is set using the LogLevel registry key. For the App-V Management Server, this value is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Softgrid\4.5\Server while for the Streaming Server, it is located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Softgrid\4.5\DistributionServer.

The LogLevel value is a DWORD and it can go from 0 to 5. 3 is the default, but in some cases, you may want to reduce the verbosity to cut down on growth of the SFT-Server.LOG file or increase the verbosity for troubleshooting (NOTE: Please use debug logging sparingly as it will affect performance of the server.)

With the Management Server, if you change this LogLevel value the changes will immediately take effect – but – with the Streaming Server, it will require a restart of the App-V Streaming Server service.

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