
Posts Tagged ‘NTFS’

SCCM (Configuration Manager) Installed Component Provider Binaries on SQL Clustered Drive (or other shared clustered drive) by Mistake.

January 14, 2011 1 comment

Configuration Manager 2007 supports the Site Backup role on a clustered drive so long as the SQL cluster is Active/Passive.

The problem is the fact that the default largest NTFS drive is used to install the provider binaries and it is real easy for the SMS Component Provider in SCCM 2007 to be installed on a clustered drive by mistake when configured on a remote SQL cluster.

The scenario usually happens as follows:

1.) SMS/SCCM Site Server is installed selecting remote SQL instance and database on a clustered server as the location of the site database.

2.) Provider binaries then get placed on clustered drive that was currently owned by active node containing SQL server instance.

3.) As a result, the configuration of the SCCM/SMS backup differs on each of the database nodes. One node may be configured to run the binaries from the system drive and the other may be configured to run on a clustered drive (or even both.)

4.) Drive either becomes no longer available to the node (failed over to other node) or the drive resides on a LUN no longer presented to the cluster.

5.) You will see critical status messages related to the SMS_SITE_SQL_BACKUP and the site component manager.

The remedy for this was first devised in SMS 2003. it is mentioned in the article KB 871234:

It is also mentioned here:

Now placing the file NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS on all clustered drives is a great way to prevent this from happening, how can you correct this issue after the problem has occurred?

The answer is a combination of several things including use of the NO_SMS_ON_DRIVE.SMS feature:

1. Create the following file on all clustered drives:


2. Stop the SMS_Site_SQLBackup_%SERVERNAME% on the problem node

3. Remove the following Registry Keys on the problem node:



4. On the site server, browse to the fllowing registry key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS_SITE_Component_Manager\Multisite Component Servers\%SERVERNAME%

5. Change the install directory to the appropriate drive and then go to:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Components\SMS_SITE_Component_Manager\Multisite Component Servers\%SERVERNAME%\SMS_Site_Backup and change the value “Installed At Least One file” to 0.

6. Restart the SiteComp service on the Site server