
Posts Tagged ‘vas’

App-V 4.6: App-V 4.6 Reporting does not work when using 4.1 Server

When Softgrid evolved into App-V for version 4.5, the reporting model was changed to where reporting is cached by the client and uploaded to the server during DC Refresh rather than with each application launch.

While 4.5 and 4.6 clients can connect to and use a 4.1 Softgrid Virtual Application Server, reporting will be disabled due to the difference in models. The 4.5/4.6 clients will cache this information in an XML file labled by a <GUID.>

The location of this <GUID>.XML file is registered using the LastCacheFile registry value in the following registry path:


This LastCacheFile contains both the path and GUID file name.

Here is an example of the reporting cache file:

<REPORT_DATA_CACHE><APP_RECORDS><APP_RECORD Name=”Adobe Reader 9.0″ Ver=”1.0″ Server=”app-v-ms.steveth.local” User=”STEVETH\Gladiator” “Launched=”8/19/2010 8:55:52 PM” Shutdown=”8/19/2010 8:56:00 PM”/><APP_RECORD name=”Adobe Reader 9.0″ Ver=”1.0″  Server=”app-v-ms.STEVETH.local” User=”STEVETH\Gladiator” Launched=”8/19/2010 8:58:58 PM” Shutdown=”8/19/2010 9:00:19 PM”/></APP_RECORDS></REPORT_DATA_CACHE>

The server reporting tag is located in the following registry path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Softgrid\4.5\Client\DC Server\<SERVER>

The DWORD value is 1 by default when using a 4.5 or later server. it can be set to 0 to disable reporting. However, if the server is 4.1 and the client is 4.5 or later, then this value will always be reset to 0.

This process happens upon detection of the App-V 4.5 or later server. An event in the client log is also logged when this happens.

[08/19/2010 14:55:18:179 MIME VRB] {tid=BA4:usr=steveth}
DC server does not want to receive v4.5+ reporting

Categories: App-V Tags: , , , , ,

App-V 4.5: Failed to Start App-V Management Server: Error 268480357

May 17, 2011 4 comments

Here is the scene. An attempt to start App-V Management Server 4.5 fails with the following error:

“Windows could not start the Application Virtualization Management Server on “servername.” For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 268480357.”

You also then see the following in the SFT-SERVER.LOG file when it is set to VERBOSE:

[2010-07-10 15:23:21.909] - 4020 4080 SW_MessageHandler::Open - - - - 5 65535 "Initialization complete."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::MapError - - - - 5 65535 "Got unknown error code: 5701."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::HandleError - - - - 5 65535 "Error 0x1645, State: 01000, Text: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Changed database context to APPVIRT."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::MapError - - - - 5 65535 "Got unknown error code: 5703."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::HandleError - - - - 5 65535 "Error 0x1647, State: 01000, Text: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Changed language setting to us_english."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::HandleError - - - - 5 65535 "Error 0x0, State: 01004, Text: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation"
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::MapError - - - - 5 65535 "Got unknown error code: 229."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::HandleError - - - - 5 65535 "Error 0xe5, State: 42000, Text: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'SYSTEM_OPTIONS', database APPVIRT, schema 'dbo'."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::MapError - - - - 5 65535 "Got unknown error code: 16945."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::HandleError - - - - 5 65535 "Error 0x4231, State: 42000, Text: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The cursor was not declared."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::SearchInternal - - - - 5 65535 "Failed to execute statement. [SELECT * FROM SYSTEM_OPTIONS]"
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SQLDataConnection::GetRecord - - - - 5 65535 "No records found."
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_DataAccess::Initialize - - - - 5 65535 "Unable to retrieve value for system options record"
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SystemDispatcher::init - - - - 1 44901 "System dispatcher initialization error [-1]. System dispatcher startup will stop.
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SystemDispatcher::fini - - - - 5 65535 "Shutting down System Dispatcher version (4020)"
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 4080 SW_SystemDispatcher::fini - - - - 0 44952 "Successfully shut down Microsoft System Center Application Virtualization Management Server Version (4020)
[2010-07-10 15:23:22.018] APPV01 4020 1860 SW_MessageHandler::Close - - - - 5 65535 "Shutdown complete."
You will see this occur often when you try to point the 4.5 server (Application Virtualization Management Server) to a database created by a lower version. In this particular case, the 4.5 server was trying to connect to a database previously used by a server.
This often happens in scenarios where a 4.5 server cannot connect for some reason to a 4.5 datastore and an older copy of a previous version of the database maybe restored in error or out of desperation.
Regardless, this error will happen immediately upon startup. If you point to a pre-4.5 database during installation, however, the installation program will try to update it.

The best solution is to either stand up a new installation that creates a new installation or uninstall the App-V 4.5 server and install a 4.1 version of the Softgrid Virtual Application server and point to this database. Then proceed to attempt to upgrade the 4.1 server to 4.5 which in turn should upgrade the database from 4.1 to 4.5.

PLEASE NOTE: This is predicated on the fact the database is in a usable state.

Categories: App-V Tags: , , , ,

App-V: Upgrade from Softgrid Server 4.1 to App-V Server 4.5 Fails with Error 25119

You may know the issue: You are trying to upgrade from the Softgrid VAS 4.1 to Microsoft Application Virtualization (App-V) 4.5 Management Server and it fails with the following error:

Error 25119:

“The installation program could not upgrade the configuration data store. Please see the installation log file for more information”

This is a generic database upgrade issue. there have been many causes of this as the error just means the database upgrade failed.

NOTE: There are several potential causes of this. Please take note that you will need to confirm this issue by examining specifically the softgrid-server-setup.log file. Please also refer to the Microsoft Knowledge base as many other possible causes have been documented.

In this particular instance, the database used split schemas where half of the stored procedures ran under a different schema than dbo.

The Softgrid-Server-setup.txt log reveals failure and further SQl Profiler Traces confirmed that it all went south as soon as it hits the stored procedures with user-defined schemas.

[2010-09-13 15:03:28] (11796:12004) SQL state: ``01000'', Native: 0, Text: ``[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]<<<     sp_SFTrepldel_... >>>''.
[2010-09-13 15:03:28] (11796:12004) SQL state: ``42S02'', Native: 3701, Text: ``[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot drop the procedure 'sp_SFTreplins_ACCOUNT_AUTHORITIES', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.''.
[2010-09-13 15:03:28] (11796:12004) ::SQLExecDirectW error 0xffffffff.
[2010-09-13 15:04:32] (11796:12004) Failed to execute SQL statement ``
if exists (select * from sysobjects where type = 'P' and name = 'sp_SFTreplins_ACCOUNT_AUTHORITIES')  drop proc [sp_SFTreplins_ACCOUNT_AUTHORITIES]
[2010-09-13 15:04:32] (11796:12004) Directory ``C:\Program Files\Softricity\SoftGrid Server\schema\upgrade\4.1\'' failed!


In this case, the non dbo schemas were owned by “Softricity_User.” What you do is use the following script to create a stored procedure called spMigrateStoredProcedures.sql.

NOTE: If you use this script just make sure to replace “Softricity_User” with the account specific to your customer’s database. After you use this script to create the stored procedure, execute it prior to upgrade. PLEASE BACK UP YOUR DATABASE BEFORE DOING SO.


CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spMigrateStoredProcedures] AS
DECLARE @FromSchema varchar(100)
DECLARE @ToSchema varchar(100)
SET @FromSchema = N'Softricity_User'
SET @ToSchema = N'dbo'
DECLARE @Done bit
DECLARE @LASTNAME varchar(1000)
SET @Done=0 -- insert top of tree
WHILE @Done=0  
    select top 1 @LASTNAME=[name] from sys.sql_modules sm
    inner join sys.objects so on sm.object_id = so.object_id
    where so.schema_id = schema_id(@FromSchema) and like N'sp%'
    and [name] < @LASTNAME
    order by [name] desc

    IF @@rowcount=0 
            SET @Done=1 
            exec ( 'print ''moving '+@LASTNAME+'''')
            exec ('ALTER SCHEMA '+@ToSchema+' TRANSFER '+@FromSchema+'.' + @LASTNAME  )